Hi. Welcome to my world.  I’m a race director and Team Patagonia ultrarunner. I’m also a coach and nutritionist.  Running gave me purpose. It led me to everything I do professionally in my life today, and has helped define me as an accomplished athlete and business woman. Some people think I’m crazy to run 100 mile races. I think I’m the luckiest person on the planet to experience a physical and emotional journey in the most beautiful landscapes in the world. I grew up outside the San Mateo wilderness near Temecula and always found the mountains a great way to escape and find freedom. I believe in going after your dreams and never giving up. You can accomplish anything in this world with a little determination, knowledge and of course some true grit. We are all part of one incredible and humbling community. Come join me on my adventures and I promise you will meet some incredible people and fall madly in love with the great outdoors and even learn to embrace the “sufferfest.”